Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- What Does It Mean to Preach Christ? from Jordan Stone (Reformed Theological Seminary) – preaching Christ is a hermeneutic, an instinct, and an encounter
- Preaching to the Heart from Sinclair Ferguson (Tabletalk – Lignonier Ministries) – preaching to the heart involves a threefold openness; such preaching is marked by five key characteristics
- Preachers “Landing the Plane” from Jacob Toman (Redeeming Family) – a vital part of preparing to preach is preaching the sermon to ourselves out loud
- On Re-Preaching Sermons (Preachers Talk, Ep. 77) from K. Edward Copeland, David Helm, and Jeremy Meeks (9 Marks) – preaching the same sermon again versus preaching a different sermon on the same text; the potential dangers and advantages of re-preaching sermons; how to go about re-preaching a sermon
- “On Preaching” – #173 Collecting Tools for Biblical Preaching from H. B. Charles, Jr. (H. B. Charles, Jr.) – advice on how to build a library of resources for preaching
- 5 Things I’m Most Excited for in the Coming Version of Logos from Brandon Hilgemann (Word by Word – Logos Blog) – the newest version of this Bible software has several new or improved features helpful to preachers
- Understand the Relationship Between Systematic Theology and Biblical Theology from Don Carson (The Gospel Coalition) – the use of logic in exegesis; logic and mystery; literary structure and genre (the title of the post is misleading)
- 1 Kings 17: On the Moses-Like Entrance of the Miraculous Elijah (Bible Talk, Ep. 127) from Alex Duke, Sam Emadi, and Jim Hamilton (9 Marks) – biblical theological insights on 1 Kings 17
- Don’t Be That Guy! (A Gospel Centered Approach to the Book of Jonah) from Nick Cady and Josh Black (Expositors Collective) – two short messages on Jonah 4, one moralistic and the other Christ-centered; why an expository message must also be Christ-centered
- Context Matters: The Fruit of the Spirit from Ryan Higginbottom (Knowable Word) – considering the context in Galatians enables us to see that “the fruit of the Spirit are not a magical collection of good behaviors or character traits”
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