Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- Eloquence and the Preaching of the Gospel, Part 1 and Eloquence and the Heart, Part 2 from Mark Abdelmessieh (Place for Truth) – “when it is the servant and not the master,” eloquence has a place in biblical preaching; it involves having our hearts kindled as we preach
- Bad Preaching Harms People with Danijel Zaharjanksi from Mike Neglia and Danijel Zaharjanksi (Expositors Collective) – keeping Christ at the center of our sermons; preaching the gospel in Serbia; how bad theology in preaching can hurt people; the value of listening to non-Western Bible commentators and preachers
- “Preachers and Preaching” Episode 309: The Preacher and Cultural Concerns from Jared Bumpers and Jason K. Allen (Jason K. Allen) – thoughts on interrupting an expository sermon series to address cultural and social issues
- How Pulpit Supply Helped a City from Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra (The Gospel Coalition) – the story of the impact expository preaching is having on churches in New England
- “Proclaiming The Word” by David Jackman – A Review of A New Book on Preaching from Shane Lems (The Reformed Reader) – according to the reviewer, “it’s a good book, but it’s just like other good books on preaching that emphasize preaching Christ from all Scripture”
- Pastor, Are You Making These Common Lexical Mistakes? from JoAnna Hoyt (Word by Word – Logos Blog) – we need to be careful about the way we do word studies and use original language lexicons
- The Role of Structure, Style, Context, and Culture in Understanding Scripture from Don Carson (The Gospel Coalition) – the importance of literary structure in biblical exegesis; chiasms and parallelism; literary genres; the new hermeneutic
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