Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- 5 Things That Make a Good Preacher from Michael F. Bird (Word from the Bird) – in addition to oral communication skills, there are personal and pastoral factors that make a good preacher
- Preaching Christ for Conversions from Doug Logan and J.A. Medders (For the Church) – in preaching for conversions, we must preach Jesus as the message, the motivation, the model, and the means
- Preaching for Mission from Chan Kilgore (Acts 29) – “the call to preach the gospel boldly has never been more pressing”
- The Simple Sermon Outline That Helps Me Preach Better from Brandon Hilgemann (Pro Preacher) – an explanation of a simple three-part sermon outline: tension, text, and takeaway.
- Sermon Preparation: Step by Step with Brian Brodersen from Brian Brodersen and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – meditating on the text; developing an outline; sermon introductions; using Bible commentaries; preaching the gospel from every passage; involving others and AI in sermon preparation; prayer before preaching; clarity
- Episode 286: FTC Mailbag from Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson (For the Church) – from 1:00 to 7:37 of this podcast: when we should interrupt an expository series on a book of the Bible to do a topical series; consulting with others before deciding to do this
- 1 Kings 18: On the Massacre of Baal on Mount Carmel from Alex Duke, Sam Emadi, and Jim Hamilton (9 Marks – Bible Talk) – biblical theological insights on 1 Kings 18
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