Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- Teach the Whole Counsel of God from Stephen Kneale (Building Jerusalem) – we should aim to preach systematically through the whole Bible without flattening the text or avoiding clear implications
- 3 Ways Pastors Learn Counseling from Preaching from Kent Bass (Acts 29) – preaching and counseling prioritize patience and listening, connect hearts to God’s Word, and blend broad truths with specific applications
- The Challenge of Authenticity in Preaching from Jay Y. Kim (Preaching Today) – being authentic by sharing our stories must serve the purpose of exalting Christ
- Digging Deep Into The Word To Help Those Who Are Suffering with Terry Michaels from Terry Michaels and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – the importance of both content and delivery; the value of inductive Bible study; the need to be aware of our audience, encourage people in pain, and be authentic in the pulpit; the value of listening to ourselves and getting good feedback
- How to Preach WITHOUT Notes Part 1 and Part 2 by Lane Sebring (Preaching Donkey) – reduce the amount of notes you allow yourself; build a flow of triggers and touch points; rehearse and internalize your message; use your presentation slides to your advantage
- 4 Reasons You Can Preach the Same Text 2 (or 3 or 4) Times from Sean Nolan (9 Marks) – reasons we can preach the same text again: the sermon is food, not entertainment, the Bible is alive, it builds trust in God’s Word, it encourages sheep to make their own meals
- Five Reasons Why Pastors Should Share Their Pulpit from Brandon Sutton (For the Church) – training preachers is biblical, is a ministry in itself, encourages the congregation, proves the pastor is humble and fearless, and creates more preachers
- Reading the Whole from T. M. Suffield (nuakh) – the importance of reading biblical books as “wholes”
- Different Uses for Different Questions from Peter Krol (Knowable Word) – how to use definitive questions, rational questions, and implicational questions to open up a biblical text
- 3 Things You Should Know about Numbers from Iain Duguid (Ligonier) – the book is not simply about numbers; the most important number is two; the second most important number is forty-two
- How to Read the Prophets from Bryan Estelle (Ligonier) – some helpful guidance for reading and interpreting the prophets
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