Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- Preaching the True Christ from T. Andrew Brown (Credo Magazine) – “in a constantly changing world, the Nicene Creed is a strong foundation for preaching the true Christ”
- Faithful to the Text: The Case for Expository Preaching with Pastor Zeddie Muzungu from Zeddie Muzungu (Expositors Collective) – what expository preaching is; six reasons it is valuable
- The Most Effective Use of Time in Pastoral Ministry from David Kaywood (Pastors and Productivity) – we are most productive when we devote ourselves to the ministry of the Word and prayer
- Episode 8: Interview – Jonathan Thomas on Listening to Preaching (The Biblical Preaching Podcast) from Jonathan Thomas, Peter Mead and Mike Chalmers (The Biblical Preaching Podcast) – what good listening to sermons involves and how to foster it in those who listen to us; prayer and preaching; persuasion and the qualities of good sermon introductions
- On Giving Helpful Sermon Feedback from Stephen Kneale (Building Jerusalem) – unhelpful feedback; valid critiques; the most encouraging feedback
- Three Key Principles of Biblical Interpretation from Jonathan Noyes (Stand to Reason) – Scripture interprets Scripture; context interprets Scripture; the author’s intent interprets Scripture
- “Preaching and Preachers” – Delighting in the Old Testament – Part 2 from Jared Bumpers and Jason DeRouchie (The Midwestern Institute for Preaching and Preachers) – how Old Testament promises and laws relate to believers today; why preach the Old Testament
- “Bible Talk” – 2 Kings 14: On Bible Talk Pivoting to Video While Israel and Judah Pivot toward Civil War (Ep. 141) from Alex Duke, Sam Emadi, and Jim Hamilton (9 Marks) – biblical theological insights on 2 Kings 14
- How the Author of Hebrews Reads the Book of Psalms from Daniel Stevens (Crossway) – “if we read the Psalms with the author of Hebrews, we will learn to read the Psalms for what they truly are”
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