Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- The First Rule of Preaching: Preach the Word from Brandon Hilgemann (Pro Preacher) – why and how to preach the Word
- Preaching a Good and Powerful Word from Paul Grimmond (Australian Church Record) – what God’s Word does; how the Word does what it does
- What Does It Mean to “Preach Christ?” (Greidanus) from Shane Lems (The Reformed Reader) – a summary of the fuller meaning of preaching Christ
- The Best of Preaching and Preachers, Episode 124: The Pastor and Human Dignity from Jason K. Allen and Daniel Darling (Jason K. Allen) – how preachers can affirm human dignity in their preaching [originally recorded in March 2019]
- Give Them a Loaf, Not a Field from Haddon Robinson (Preaching Points) – when it comes to preaching, often “less is more”
- Spirit-Anointed Preaching: Cultivating a Heart-Driven Pulpit Ministry with Justin Thornton from Mike Neglia and Justin Thornton (Expositors Collective) – the danger of “trying too hard” in the pulpit; the danger of unfaithfulness to the text; obstacles to clarity; the path from heart to pulpit; our need for authenticity, ownership, meekness, and brokenness; anointed versus anemic preaching; thoughts on guest preaching
- Preaching and Prayer from Al Gooderham (Al Gooderham) – evaluating ourselves in light of the twin priorities of prayer and the ministry of the Word
- Why Everyone Started Talking About Expositional Preaching from Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra (The Gospel Coalition) – the story of the Charles Simeon Trust, an organization that exists to train preachers through workshops, online courses, and the Chicago Course on Preaching
- 02: Old Testament Reflections Grasping the Old Testament’s Message (Series: Delighting in the Old Testament: Through Christ and For Christ) from Jason DeRouchie (For the Church) – how Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel anticipate the New Testament age
- 1 Samuel 4–7: On Eli’s Death, Dagon’s Destruction, and the Philistines Wondering about YHWH’s Return Policy (Bible Talk, Ep. 85) from Alex Duke, Sam Emadi, and Jim Hamilton (9 Marks) – biblical theological insights on 1 Samuel 4-7
- 10 Things You Should Know about the Psalms from Bruce K. Waltke and Fred G. Zaspel (Crossway) – things to keep in mind as we interpret and expound the Psalms
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