Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- How Pastors Can Glorify Christ, Every Way from Jeremy Jessen (Southern Equip) – J. I. Packer notes that we can glorify Christ through our sanctity, our theology, and our preaching
- Calvin: There Are Two Ministers In Preaching from Tony Phelps (Heidelblog) – in addition to the “external minister” there is the “internal minister” (the Holy Spirit)
- Preach to the Fatherless from Scott M. Gibson (Preaching Today) – “this Father’s Day, and every time we stand to preach, we ought to remember the fatherless”
- Preaching Law and Gospel from Kyle Borg (Gentle Reformation) – “Herman Witsius is a great guide as he lays down several things that aid an understanding of preaching law and gospel”
- Not a Crowd to Be Feared, Nor an Audience to Be Entertained, but a Family to Be Loved – Trevor O’Keefe from Trevor O’Keefe and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – saying “yes” to opportunities to teach; finding our own voice; seeing the church as God’s family; the proper use of illustrations; “raising the bar” for our listeners; how much to share of ourselves; gospel-centered preaching
- The Universal Experiences of Preachers from Reuben Bredenhof (The Gospel Coalition, Canadian Edition) – most preachers have had some of these experiences either before or after preaching
- “On Preaching” – #163 | What Commentaries Should I Use? from H. B. Charles Jr. (H. B. Charles Jr.) – a description of the types of Bible commentaries that preachers will find most helpful (see also the webpage on this site: Bible Commentaries)
- Unrequited Hope and Application from Peter Krol (Knowable Word) – considering “the natural human longing for a better world” can be helpful in applying the biblical text
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