Here are some posts on preaching and exegesis that I noticed recently. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)
- Brothers, Preach Your Heart Out, No Matter How Few People Are in the Room from Tim Counts (9 Marks) – the value of preaching Christ regardless of the number of your hearers
- Should You Preach from a Full Manuscript? from Michael J. Kruger (Canon Fodder) – the case for using a detailed outline for preaching rather than a sermon manuscript
- The Need for Nuance in Preaching from Mark Loughridge (Gentle Reformation) – on the need for “thoughtful, nuanced clarity” in preaching
- 4 Things You Need to Be a More Faithful Preacher from Hershael York (Southern Equip) – the necessity of having the right heart, mind, wisdom and character
- Don’t Be Afraid to Preach for Conversions from Timothy Paul Jones (The Gospel Coalition) – on the importance of issuing a clear call for repentance and faith
- How to Read Exodus Theologically from T. Desmond Alexander (Credo) – some rich theological themes in Exodus
- Preaching the Letter to the Ephesians from Brad Whitt (Preaching Source) – an overview of Ephesians and some preaching pointers
- Applying Ephesians from Kelly Burton (Preaching Source) – guidance for applying the doctrinal chapters of Ephesians
- 5 Reasons You Should Preach through 1 Thessalonians from Nick Gatzke (9 Marks) – benefits for the preacher and congregation of preaching from this book
- “Preaching & Preachers” Episode 162: The Preaching of John Broadus from Jared Bumpers and Jason Allen (Jason K. Allen) – lessons we can learn from John Broadus regarding preaching the biblical text with clarity, simplicity and passion.
- Book Review: Reformed Preaching by Joel Beeke from Mark Redfern (9 Marks) – a positive review of Beeke’s book, which advocates “experiential preaching”
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