Here are some preaching posts and podcasts that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- Things (on Preaching) They Didn’t Tell Me in Seminary from Chip Thornton (G3 Ministries) – follow a good pattern of sermon preparation; prepare three months ahead; write out full manuscripts; establish a routine; know when to stop
- You Preach to Ordinary People from Peter Mead (Biblical Preaching) – we should prayerfully consider the implications of the fact that we preach as ordinary people to ordinary people
- Five Reasons to Chew Over Your Sermon Applications in Your Midweek Groups from Stephen Kneale (Building Jerusalem) – the value of recapping Sunday sermon applications in home groups during the week
- Watch Your Language When You Preach from Bruce Ballast (Preaching Acts) – we shouldn’t assume that our hearers understand simple biblical and theological concepts; we should define all such concepts
- Women in the Pulpit, Help for Lay Preachers and Bible Translations – Mail Bag Part 2 from Mike Neglia and Nick Cady (Expositors Collective) – answers to listener questions about these topics
- Episode 63: Pastors and Addressing Current Events (with Nathaniel Williams) from Ronjour Locke, Brandon Ward and Nathaniel Williams (Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership) – thoughts and cautions regarding addressing current events in our preaching
- Tax-Collectors in NT Stories: On Using Bible Dictionaries/Lexicons from Shane Lems (The Reformed Reader) – having good Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias and lexicons can reduce our need for commentaries. (A list of Bible study tools that can be borrowed online is here.)
- Commentaries are Not for When Bible Study is Hard from Peter Krol (Knowable Word) – we need to ask a variety of questions of the biblical text; commentaries may help answer some, but not all of these questions
- Evaluating Exegetical Options from Peter Mead (Biblical Preaching) – factors to consider as we wrestle with exegetical options and determine how to understand the biblical text
- Numbers 26-31: On Another Census, Another Set of Laws, and Moses’ Last Military Mission in Midian (Bible Talk, Episode 52) from Alex Duke, Sam Emadi and Jim Hamilton (9 Marks) – some biblical theological insights on these chapters
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