Preaching Post Roundup (July 18, 2024)

Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
  • “On Preaching” #168 | A System of Sermon Preparation from H. B. Charles Jr. (H. B. Charles Jr) – study the passage, consult the resources, craft the sermon, write the manuscript, internalize the message
  • Next Level Preaching (Preaching Guru) – we can improve our preaching by knowing Scripture, connecting with our audience, being authentic, focusing on transformation, using storytelling, embracing simplicity, continually learning, and depending on the Holy Spirit
  • 5 Free Steps to a Better Sermon this Sunday from Sean Palmer (Preaching Today) – we can make our sermons better by setting a writing deadline, rehearsing our sermons, offloading unnecessary tasks, collaborating with others, and reviewing the sermons
  • Preaching on the Idolatry of Politics from Matthew D. Kim (Preaching Today) – three challenges to preach wisely on politics: preach with courage, preach on unity, preach on disagreement
  • Speech Impediments, Humble Prayer and Preaching About Money with Will Bassett from Will Bassett and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) -dealing with a speech impediment as a preacher; embracing our weaknesses; thoughts on sermon preparation: starting early, incorporating personal stories, the role of prayer; preaching about money; teaching theology in an exciting way; preaching the message God wants us to preach
  • What Is at the Heart of the Book of Acts? from Nancy Guthrie (Crossway) – Luke’s purpose in writing; the Acts of the Holy Spirit or the Acts of the Preached Word or the Acts of the Enthroned Lord Jesus; the fulfillment of God’s plan of salvation
  • What Is Distinct about the Theology of 2 Thessalonians? from Andrew Malone (Crossway) – although its themes are like those of 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians has additional emphases; like a small jigsaw piece, the letter contributes to the overall picture of Scripture

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