Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- 10 Tips for Preaching Students from Jeremy Jessen (Southern Equip) – ten reminders that are helpful for all of us who preach
- We Don’t Celebrate the Tool from Tim Challies (Challies) – remembering that we are tools in the hand of God can help us stay humble
- Dennis Johnson: Two Truths Of Apostolic Preaching from Tony Phelps (Heidelblog) – apostolic preaching blends both doctrine and application
- Don’t Begin With the Needs of Your People from Darryl Dash (Dashhouse) – we should pay attention to the needs of our hearers, but the biblical text should set the agenda
- 7 Principles for Preaching to the People in Your Pews from Steven Blake (Lifeway Research) – a counterpoint to the previous post: how we can get to know the needs and concerns of those to whom we preach
- Unity, Order, and Progress from Haddon Robinson (Preaching Points) – three elements that are of the essence of good preaching
- AI-Powered Preaching: How Much Should Silicon Valley Impact Sermon Prep? from Aaron Earls (Lifeway Research) – when it comes to sermon preparation, A.I. has serious drawbacks
- What Am I Supposed To Do With My Hands?” And Other Lessons That Preachers Can Learn From Toastmasters with Nick Harvey from Nick Harvey and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – why preachers might benefit from Toastmasters; sermon delivery mistakes; the role of the Holy Spirit in preaching; evaluating our sermons; finding balance as a bivocational pastor
- The Joys and Challenges of Being a Guest Speaker (Part 1) from Paul J. Scharf (Sharper Iron) – what a guest preacher should wear in the pulpit
- More Than Doing from Peter Krol (Knowable Word) – “application is not only about the hands but also about the head and the heart”
- 03: Christ as Light and Lens for Reading the Old Testament Well (Series: Delighting in the Old Testament: Through Christ and For Christ) from Jason DeRouchie (For the Church) – the light of Christ provides spiritual understanding and the lens of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection enables an in-depth understanding of the Old Testament’s meaning
- 1 Samuel 11–12: On Snake-Man the Thug-Ruler, Samuel’s Bummer Farewell Speech, and Learning to Read the Bible With Your Imagination (Bible Talk, Ep. 87) from Alex Duke, Sam Emadi, and Jim Hamilton (9 Marks) – biblical theological insights on 1 Samuel 11-12
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