Here are some preaching posts and podcasts that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- The Divine Supernatural Responsibility of Preaching from Ed Romine (For the Church) – according to 2 Timothy 4:1-5. preaching is a supernatural event and it prepares for the last day
- The Absurdity of Preaching from Jason James (Acts 29) – “The content of and our conviction in the gospel makes us appear crazy. But we’ve prepared for this.”
- Teach Them What the Bible Doesn’t Say from Dan Crabtree (The Cripplegate) – “Teach them what the Bible says by teaching them what the Bible doesn’t say.”
- The Logic of Puritan Preaching from Joseph Steele (Reformation 21) – Puritan preaching included organization, application, and discrimination
- Creating a Memorable Sermon Sentence from Bruce Ballast (Preaching Acts) – we can use “anaphora”(repetition of a word or phrase) to create memorable sermon sentences
- What Have You Been Talking About? – Tim Chaddick from Tim Chaddick and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – expository preaching displays Scripture’s inspiration, sets the agenda, reveals true authority, promotes biblical literacy, and leads to Christ
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