Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- The One Gift Every Pastor Must Have from Jason K. Allen (For the Church) – “every pastor must be gifted to teach the Word; and every qualified pastor is”
- Episode 7: Break Through 7 Sermon Prep Logjams from Peter Mead and Mike Chalmers (The Biblical Preaching Podcast) – suggestions for overcoming seven barriers commonly encountered in sermon preparation
- The Use of Emotion in Preaching from Mark Palmer (Preaching Magazine) – business pathos, rhetorical pathos , and biblical pathos ; emotion in preaching as a leadership tool; the danger of manipulation
- Preaching from Brokenness from James Keen (9 Marks) – what brokenness is; damaging responses to brokenness; how to preach from brokenness
- Sermon Introductions (Preaching Guru) – “five strategies for a strong sermon introduction”
- How Your Church Members Could Make Your Sermons Better—Before You Preach Them from Sean DeMars (9 Marks) – why do sermons previews with congregation members; how to do sermon previews; a possible objection
- Communicating Truth with Wonder: Preaching, C.S. Lewis, and the Power of the Word – Dwain Tissell from Mike Neglia and Dwain Tissell (Expositors Collective) – the power of the Word and the hunger in the human heart; preaching at funerals; how to love people from the pulpit; being open and vulnerable; confident humility; learning from C. S. Lewis; encouragement for preachers: the Didasko Seminars
- “Preachers Talk” – On Training Preachers in Asia (Ep. 84) from David Helm, Jeremy Meeks, and Darrell Young (9 Marks) – what training preachers in Asia involves; the challenges of training preachers in Asia; how to support this training
- The Word Increased and Multiplied: Grasping the Complexities of Bible Translation from Peter Gurry (Desiring God) – five forces that stimulate new Bible translations; considerations in choosing a translation
- The Breakthrough That Helped Me Understand the Old Testament from Daniel Stevens (Crossway) – the author of Hebrews “reveals to us both how to read the Old Testament and what the Old Testament really is: God’s word, written for us”
- “Bible Talk” – 2 Kings 13: On Two Evil Reigns and Two Weird Things (Ep. 140) from Alex Duke, Sam Emadi, and Jim Hamilton (9 Marks) – biblical theological insights on 2 Kings 13
- The OT Prophetic Books: Stages in Composing (Waltke) from Shane Lems (The Reformed Reader Blog) – Bruce Waltke helps us understand how the prophetic books developed in stages
- Bookstore Events | Understanding Jeremiah: A Conversation with Duane Garrett from Adam Howell and Duane Garrett (Southern Equip) – a discussion of the book of Jeremiah and Garrett’s book, Understanding Jeremiah: Its Setting, Composition, and Message
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