Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)
- God’s Word in Your Mouth: Finding Your Voice in Preaching from Lewis Guest IV (Desiring God) – why it is important to find your unique voice; how to find your voice; the need to examine our motives
- Battered by Moses? Why We Still Need to Preach the Law from Jared Kennedy (The Gospel Coalition) – why believers can benefit from preaching the law’s moral demands
- Why Preaching Requires a Human Touch from Alistair Chalmers (Chalmers Blog) – three reasons that AI will have a negative impact on the preaching of those who use it
- What AI Can and Can’t Do Helpfully Do from Stephen Kneale (Building Jerusalem) – the usefulness of AI for summarizing the content of sermons; “as with most tools, AI is neither to be entirely shunned nor necessarily embraced”
- Start with a Bang! Crafting a Memorable Sermon Opener from Tyler Scarlett (Preaching Magazine) – guidelines for writing a memorable opening sentence
- Review: Preaching As Reminding: Stirring Memory In An Age Of Forgetfulness by Jeffrey D. Arthurs from Shane Lems (Heidelblog) – the value of this book is that it shows how our preaching can “help stimulate and stir people’s memories”
- “Preaching and Preachers” – Episode 292: Preaching Christ From the Old Testament from Jared Bumpers and David King (Jason K. Allen) – a discussion with King, the author of Your Old Testament Sermon Needs to Get Saved: A Handbook for Preaching Christ from the Old Testament: why preach from the Old Testament; what to preach and how to preach Christ from the Old Testament (originally published in November 2023)
- Original Language Research: What to Do, What Not to Do from Mark Ward (Word by Word – Logos Blog) – why original language research is important for Bible study; how such research improves our understanding of Scripture; how to do such research; challenges involved; helpful resources
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