Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.) Preaching a God-Centered Vision from Jared Bumpers and Michael Reeves (The Midwestern Institute Preaching & Preachers) – a discussion of Reeves’ book, Preaching: A...
Articles with the Tag sermon manuscript
Preaching Post Roundup (December 19, 2024)
Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.) Episode 294: FTC Mailbag from Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson (For the Church) – from about 9:42 – 18:17: preaching Christ vs. teaching...
Preaching Post Roundup (December 5, 2024)
Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.) “The Everyday Pastor” -Delivering the Sermon from Ligon Duncan and Matt Smethurst (The Gospel Coalition) – preaching with fewer notes; balancing precision and connection;...
Preaching Post Roundup (August 22, 2024)
Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.) Beware of Preaching a Christian Failure Narrative from Rod Casey (Preaching Today) – “our sermons ought to reflect a more accurate, hope-filled, Christianly communication”...
Preaching Post Roundup (July 25, 2024)
Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.) Preaching Is a Privilege (Preaching Guru) – we have the privilege of being used by God, being connected with those we serve, and shaping...
Preaching Post Roundup (July 18, 2024)
Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.) “On Preaching” #168 | A System of Sermon Preparation from H. B. Charles Jr. (H. B. Charles Jr) – study the passage, consult the...
Preaching Post Roundup (July 4, 2024)
Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.) Is Expository Preaching Boring? from Tom Patton (The Master’s Seminary Blog) – expository preaching should be powerful, persuasive, purposeful, practical, and personal; it should...
Preaching Post Roundup (May 16, 2024)
Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.) The Expositor’s Distinction: Tethered to the Text from Steven J. Lawson (The Master’s Seminary Blog) – a call for a return to expository preaching...
Preaching Post Roundup (February 22, 2024)
Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.) “On Preaching” – #152 | Elements of a Sermon from H. B. Charles, Jr. (H. B. Charles, Jr.) – what a sermon is...
Preaching Post Roundup (January 25, 2024)
Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.) Expository Preaching Enables Transformative Encounters With God Himself from Jim Wilson (Expositors Collective) – expository preaching involves “teaching people the Bible so they can...