Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- The Aim of Our Charge from Kevin Hay (G3 Ministries) – faithful pastors teach, defend and love sound doctrine
- Compelled to Preach as a Motivation from Bruce Ballast (Preaching Acts) – it is good if, like Paul, we feel compelled to preach
- Podcast: The Basics of Good Preaching (Doug O’Donnell) from Douglas O’Donnell and Matt Tully (Crossway) – thoughts on preaching “heavy” texts, preaching through biblical books; sermon length; using a manuscript; what to do and avoid in every sermon; dealing with discouragement
- Plunder the Egyptians from Jeffery Arthurs (Preaching Points) – we can learn valuable lessons from secular trial lawyers, storytellers, podcasts, TED talks, standup comics
- How to Prepare a Sermon Outline That Sticks with Your Hearers from J. Kent Edwards (Word by Word, Logos Blog) – six steps to follow in preparing a sermon outline
- 4 Tips for Preaching Geography-Heavy Texts from Bryan Murawski (The Gospel Coalition) – counsel for preaching texts (especially in the Old Testament) that include references to many geographical locations
- You’ve Heard of Thinking on Your Feet, but What About Listening on Your Feet? from Randal Pelton (Pelton on Preaching) – thoughts on how we can listen to the Spirit and learn while we are preaching
- Addressing Felt Needs Without Neglecting The Meaning Of The Text with Angie Thornton from Angie Thornton and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – as a teacher of women, Thornton shares ideas that are valuable for preachers: extending the message through handouts with questions; the importance of the hard work of biblical interpretation; the need for effective illustration and application; training others to teach
- Julius Kim on Teaching for Attention and Retention from Julius Kim and Nancy Guthrie (The Gospel Coalition) – a 2017 podcast episode: Kim’s insights from neuroscience for sermon composition and delivery (see chapter 8 in Kim’s book Preaching the Whole Counsel of God: Design and Deliver Gospel-Centered Sermons) [h/t Mike Neglia in the previous podcast]
- Save Time: Stop Doing Word Studies from Tommy Keene (Sign and Shadow) – word studies are not worth the time “because either (1) the work has already been done for you, or (2) what you are trying to ‘find’ can’t be found using a word study”
- 10 Things You Should Know about the Genres of the Bible from Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Leland Ryken (Crossway) – expository preaching requires giving attention to biblical genres; the value of such study
- How to Preach Biblical Narrative from Douglas Sean O’Donnell and Leland Ryken (Crossway) – “seven suggestions for preaching a sermon on a biblical narrative”
- Analyzing Narratives from Daniel M. Doriani (The Aquila Report) – An excerpt from Doriani’s Getting the Message: A Plan for Interpreting and Applying the Bible, Revised and Expanded; helpful principles for analyzing narratives
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