Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- Dear Pastor . . . Let Christ Preach from Sam Allberry (Crossway) – instead of preaching ourselves, we need the fourfold vision of new covenant preaching
- The Use and Abuse of Scripture: How Christian Preachers Wield the Word from David Mathis (Desiring God) – how preachers can rightly handle the word in private and in public through careful exegesis and application
- The Source of Disjointed Sermons from Stephen Kneale (Building Jerusalem) – the goal of expository preaching is to “expose what the writer wants us to see and understand”; if we fail to do this, our preaching will be disjointed
- Pointed Application and Avoiding Disjointed Sermons from Stephen Kneale (Building Jerusalem) – how to apply the truth to the hearts of our listeners while avoiding a disjointed sermon
- 7 Warning Signs of Faking Sincerity in the Pulpit from Steven Blake (Lifeway Research) – a checklist of indicators that our preaching is insincere
- Spiritually Formed Preachers from Matt Erickson (Preaching Today) – ways to give attention to spiritual formation as part of sermon preparation and delivery
- Preaching That Promotes Human Flourishing with Dominic Done from Dominic Done and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – the challenges of suspicion, deconstruction, and tribalism; how preachers can meet these challenges
- Preaching For Life-Change: A Guest Post From Dr. Roger Raymer from Roger Raymer and Randal Pelton (Pelton on Preaching) – as we seek to promote spiritual growth through our preaching, we need to consider the factor of “emotional proof”
- Top Preaching Tools & Resources That Belong in a Pastor’s Library from Kirk Miller (Word by Word – Logos Blog) – tools that can benefit preachers include Bible commentaries, interlinears, Bible translations, lexicons, and dictionaries
- The Gospel Coalition Bible Commentary is an online library of Bible commentaries that are “modern, understandable, legal to share, trustworthy, high-quality, easily accessible, and practically useful”
- Why Learn Greek and Hebrew? The Pastoral Value of the Biblical Languages from Rob Plummer (Desiring God) – three reasons the biblical languages are essential; three challenges faced by those teaching and learning the biblical languages
- 1 Samuel 18–19: On Affectionate Men, Attempted Murders, and Arranged Marriages (Bible Talk, Ep. 92) from Alex Duke, Sam Emadi, and Jim Hamilton (9 Marks) – biblical theological insights on 1 Samuel 18-19
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