Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- Churches Need Expository Preaching from Scott Hurst (Servants of Grace) – “Churches grow healthier as pastors put their Bible on the pulpit, open it, and proclaim it.”
- How Outlining A Sermon Helps Me, Not Just My Listeners from Randal Pelton (Pelton on Preaching) -the value of practicing “a form of outlining that stems from tracing the argument of a passage.”
- Is Sermon Application Even Necessary? from Matt Cohen (Sola Ecclesia) – four reasons application is necessary: theological, exegetical, practical, and doxological
- The Case for (Slightly) Shorter Sermons from Rory Shiner (The Gospel Coalition) – accepting a time limitation forces us “to make the hard choices between the good and the best”
- Preaching and Character from Patricia Batten and Matthew Kim (Preaching Points) – to cultivate the Christian character we need as preachers, we need to be surrounded by and accountable to others
- On Cultural Relevance | Preachers Talk, Ep. 42 from David Helm, K. Edward Copeland and Jeremy Meeks (9 Marks) -the balance between cultural relevance and biblical faithfulness; tips for maintaining this balance
- āThe Best of Preaching and Preachersā Episode 87: The Preaching of John Piper from David Mathis and Jason Allen (Jason K. Allen) – the strengths of Piper’s preaching and on his book, Expository Exultation
- Pastor’s Talk – Episode 208: On What the Simeon Trust Guys Have Learned from Years of Training Preachers (with Michael Lawrence, Jeremy Meeks & Robert Kinney) from Michael Lawrence, Jonathan Leeman, and Jeremy Meek (9 Marks) – why pastors need training in preaching; what preachers do and don’t need to learn; why preachers should aim to prepare compelling sermons and to grow in their ability to preach
- Pastoral and Scholastic Earthiness – Frederick Dale Bruner from Frederick Dale Bruner and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – Bruner shares his calling as a Bible scholar and teacher, the difference between teaching and preaching, how to use Bible commentaries, the need to balance work and play
- Your Test: Can You Do What the Commentator Did? from Peter Krol (Knowable Word) – while we may use and quote commentaries, “we must be able to demonstrate our interpretive conclusions from the scriptural text itself”
- On Keeping Your Greek and Hebrew in Ministry from Sam Emadi (9 Marks) -“Spending time in the Greek and Hebrew text will aid your interpretive task, broaden your exegetical discoveries, and foster critical engagement with commentaries.”
- Blessed: Time, Symbolism, and Imagery in Revelation with Greg Beale (Episode 10) from Greg Beale and Nancy Guthrie (Crossway) – Revelation as a framework for the church’s thinking; recapitulation in the book; the “now and the not yet”; symbolism in the book; a book of encouragement
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