Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- “On Preaching” #166 | Bible Reading for Sermon Preparation from H. B. Charles Jr. (H. B. Charles Jr.) – we must read the biblical text casually, committedly, carefully, correctly, contextually, and Christocentrically
- Partnering with the Spirit to Bring Out What the Text Is Really Saying from Sam McCabe and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – McCabe’s process of sermon preparation for occasional preaching; the dangers of being over-prepared; the need for careful preparation; the relationship between preachers and worship leaders; song-writing and sermon composition
- A Defense for Modern Illustrations from Bryan Schneider (Gentle Reformation) – “preachers of the good news need not shy away from the examples describing the glorious work of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ”
- Stealing Sermons (Preaching Guru) – seven reasons why pastors plagiarize sermons
- 1 Kings 10: On the Queen of Sheba Losing Her Breath at Solomon’s Blessed Reign and Burgeoning Roth IRA (Bible Talk, Ep. 121) – biblical and theological insights on 1 Kings 10
- Preaching the Letters from Josh Buice (G3 Ministries) – preaching the point of the letters, preaching the parts of the letters, preaching Christ from the letters
- Publishing Epistles: How the Apostles Wrote Their Letters from Benjamin Laird (Desiring God) – “letter writing during the New Testament era involved several steps and included more people than is often assumed”
- What Is Distinctive about the Theology of 1 Thessalonians from Andrew Malone (Crossway) – “1 Thessalonians offers a surprising amount of Pauline teaching in something of the ‘micro story’ format.”
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