Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- God Makes War with Words: Why Teaching Will Win the World from Scott Hubbard (Desiring God) – Jesus’ ministry shows that God-empowered teaching launches, spreads, grows and guards the kingdom
- The Art of Sermon Illustrations from J. V. Fesko (Credo Magazine) – sermon illustration pitfalls: illustrations that are personal stories, overly successful, pointless, funny, absent, sermon-engulfing, about family and friends
- Preaching God’s Grace to the Disgraced – Justin Holcomb from Justin Holcomb and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – law-based, moralistic preaching vs. Christ-centered preaching; Scripture in the Anglican tradition; “inform, delight, and form” (Augustine); the most helpful preaching for survivors of abuse
- Facts vs. Implications in Commentaries from Peter Krol (Knowable Word) – as we read Bible commentaries, we must distinguish between observations about grammar and syntax (more objective) and interpretations (more debatable)
- What ‘Leah’s Eyes Were Weak’ Means—& What It Says about Bible Interpretation from Mark Ward (Logos Blog) – the importance of achieving “some kind of interpretive resolution” when commentators don’t agree on the interpretation of a passage
- How Biblical Theology Changes Everything from Nancy Guthrie (The Gospel Coalition) – how biblical theology helps us read all of Scripture in a Christ-centered way
- How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament: Step 9–Literary Context from Jason DeRouchie (For the Church) – it is important to note the literary placement of the preaching portion, its literary function, and its literary details
- Podcast: The NT Authors Quoted the OT Way More Than We Do (Greg Lanier) from Matt Tully and Greg Lanier (Crossway) – factors to consider in reflecting on the New Testament authors’ use of the Old Testament: ancient writing style, how Old Testament prophecy is fulfilled, the role of biblical theology
- How OT Scriptures Changed the Course of History at the Jerusalem Council from Greg Lanier (Crossway) -a case study of New Testament application of the Old Testament
- Logos Live: Craig Keener on Johannine Literature from Craig Keener and Tavis Bohlinger (Word by Word – Logos) – the value of knowing Bible background; good commentaries on John and Revelation; how the Gospel of John unveils Jesus and God’s glory is revealed
- Blessed: Revelation’s Message to Persecuted Believers with Karen Ellis (Episode 9) from Karen Ellis and Nancy Guthrie (Crossway) – a dialogue on what the book of Revelation says to those patiently enduring persecution
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