Here are some posts on preaching and exegesis that I noticed recently. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)
- Preach the Word from Daniel Brown (Sharper Iron) – our content must be the Word; our method must be preaching
- Why Preach Text-Driven Sermons from Michael Cooper (Preaching Source) – text-driven sermons faithfully engage the Word, the congregation and the reality of Christ
- 3 Likely Outcomes of Bible-Lite Preaching from Peter Mead (Biblical Preaching) – biblical immaturity, anemic devotions, godless Christianity
- Planning a Preaching Schedule for Months (and Years) Ahead from Tim Patrick and Andrew Reid (The Gospel Coalition) – in the midst of the pandemic, make long-term plans to work through books of the Bible
- Your Culture and Your Preaching – Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 from Peter Mead (Biblical Preaching) – evaluate how your preaching reflects your culture in the areas of self, authority, confidence, humor and emotion/passion
- Good Communication-Be Interesting from Charles R. Swindoll (The Pastor’s Blog) – avoid boring Christian code language and cliches
- 3 Reasons You Should Preach through 1 Timothy from Allen Duty (9 Marks) – the gospel must be preserved, many are not prepared to suffer, pastors need instruction and encouragement
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