Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- The Bullseye of an Effective Sermon from William P. Farley (The Gospel Coalition) – “The world needs pastors who fear God, love sinners, and understand the need to preach to consciences.”
- We Dig Repetition from Stephen Kneale (Building Jerusalem) – “Hearing the gospel yet again in a sermon is not a problem with your preaching. It is, indeed, a key feature.”
- Prayers To Pray While You Preach, Lead, and Sing from Tim Challies (Challies) – H. B. Charles Jr. offers some brief prayers that pastors can pray as they lead worship and preach
- What’s the Difference between Preaching and Teaching? from Lexham Press (Word by Word – Logos Blog) – “Both preaching and teaching communicate biblical and theological truth, but their modes and goals are different.”
- Oral Clarity and Establishing Relevance by Rummaging through People’s Lives with Don Sunukjian from Don Sunukjian and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – valuable suggestions regarding communicating clearly in preaching and establishing relevance through concrete examples
- “The Best of Preaching and Preachers” Episode 90: Preaching Titus from Denny Burk and Jason Allen (Jason K. Allen) – what the book of Titus is about; why and how to preach the book; concerns, themes and issues to be aware of; resources on Titus
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