Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- Review: Expository Preaching By David Strain from Sean Morris (Heidelblog) – a review of a book intended “to introduce the church member to what expository preaching is intended to be and how one can better benefit from it”
- I’ve Become Predictable, Which Is Good from Steve Kneale (Building Jerusalem) – on planning sermon series for expository preaching
- Beyond Words: Sermon Illustrations and The Preacher Who Could Not Speak from Mike Neglia and Jim Wilson (Expositors Collective) – getting out of the way and letting the biblical text speak; why we need sermon illustrations; using illustrations that are fresh, biblical or personal; lessons from being unable to speak (originally published in June 2023)
- Finding Christ in All of Scripture from Shane Rosenthal (The Humble Skeptic) – part of a document showing that according to the Gospel of John, Jesus is is “the primary character” in the Old Testament
- 13: How Jesus Transforms or Annuls Some Old Testament Law (Series: Delighting in the Old Testament: Through Christ and For Christ) from Jason DeRouchie (For the Church) – two case studies, one showing how Jesus transforms an Old Testament law, the other showing how he annuls an Old Testament law
- Flannelgraph Preaching (Part 1) from Mike Abendroth (Heidelblog) – “Jesus not only is the fulfillment of the Old Testament, but he is the theme, the focus, and the subject matter;” the book of Ruth as a case study
- Preaching on Revelation from Des Smith (The Gospel Coalition – Australia) – how we should think about Revelation; how to structure a sermon series; tips on preaching Revelation
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