Here are some preaching posts and podcasts that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- Brother-Theologians: Preach the Word! from David S. Schrock (Via Emmaus) – theology is meant to be preached
- “The Word Did It All”: the Necessity of Preaching according to the Protestant Reformers from Shawn D. Wright (Southern Equip) – both Luther and Calvin show that “in the Reformation, the Word did it all”
- Trinitarian Personalism and Christian Preaching from Scott R. Swain (Reformed Blogmatics) – “[Christ], someone not something, is the supreme subject matter and scope of Christian preaching
- 7 Things the Prophets Might Say To Us from Peter Mead (Biblical Preaching) – some helpful thoughts for preachers from the prophets
- Pastors and Preaching After a Rough Week (with Quentin Self) from Ronjour Locke, Brian Ward and Quentin Self (Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership) – good advice on how can we be effective as preachers after a difficult week
- Me and God in the Study from Randal Pelton (Pelton on Preaching) – we contribute more to our sermons than we may think, and that is as it should be
- Turretin on the Spirit’s Work in Preaching from Barry York (Gentle Reformation) – how preachers can pursue the Spirit’s assistance in ministering the Word
- Mail Bag Part 1 from Mike Neglia and Nick Cady (Expositors Collective) – what to do after you preach a poor sermon; group prayer as part of sermon preparation; answering contemporary objections in our sermons
- 3 Reasons to Use Better Bible Study Resources than Strong’s from Mark Ward (Logos Blog) – Strong’s dictionary entries lend themselves to abuses, tempt people to make “meaning soup,” and can lead us into word-study fallacies; we may be better off using resources in English
- Why Does the Book of Acts End So Abruptly? from Patrick Schreiner (Crossway) – on the ending of Acts: “This abrupt but victorious ending compels readers to ask about their own role in this narrative.”
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