Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- 4 Things Pastors Wrongly Blame on God from Mark Dance (Lifeway Research) – among the four things are “preaching too long” and “being unprepared”
- You Must Be a Good Listener in Order to Become a Great Speaker – Brian Synnott from Mike Neglia and Brian Synnott (Expositors Collective) – preaching through biblical books; addressing false teaching; preaching from Revelation; being a bi-vocational preacher; addressing “broken people”; the importance of listening to people
- Women Thriving under Expositional Preaching, with Colleen McFadden (Priscilla Talk, Ep. 29) from Keri Folmar, Colleen McFadden, Jenny Manley, and Erin Wheeler (9 Marks) – some testimonies regarding the spiritual value of expository preaching for our listeners
- Evangelistic Expository Preaching from Mark Dever (9 Marks) – “it is both biblically right and practically helpful for pastors regularly to preach expositional sermons evangelistically to their own congregations”
- Let the Young Men Preach from Jeremy Jessen (The Gospel Coalition) – letting young men preach benefits both them and the congregation
- Into the Highways and Hedges: A Primer for Open-Air Preaching from Ryan Denton (Desiring God) – the usefulness and history of open-air preaching; its value as a training ground for preachers
- Why You Should Preach and Teach on the End Times from Steven Blake (Lifeway Research) -seven reasons to preach on biblical prophecy and eschatology
- What Is Typology? from C.J. Williams (Ligonier Ministries) – a simple description of biblical typology and its purpose from the vantage point of both old and new covenants
- 2 Samuel 14:1–15:12: On a Convoluted Conversation and a Kiss that Ends in a Coup (Bible Talk, Ep. 105) from Alex Duke, Sam Emadi, and Jim Hamilton (9 Marks) – biblical theological insights on 2 Samuel 14-15:12
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