Here are some posts on preaching and exegesis that I noticed recently. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)
- Should We Use Humor in Preaching? (Four Things To Know) from Jeff Robinson (Southern Equip) – guidelines for using humor from Spurgeon and Lloyd-Jones
- 4 Reasons to Preach Through Colossians from Trent Hunter (9 Marks) – reasons that flow from Paul’s gospel-centered optimism in Colossians
- 4 Reasons We Should Preach Hard Texts from John Piper (Facts & Trends) – fostering desperation, supplication, cogitation in the pastor and education for the congregation
- The Pastoral Context of Preaching from John B. Mann (Preaching Source) – how faithful preaching can minister to a variety of the congregation’s pastoral needs
- The Text: Removing Assumptions from Jeff Wells (Preaching Source) – on engaging the text rather than making assumptions about it
- The Pastor as Theologian-In-Residence from Jim Dilavore (Preaching Source) – the need to do theology, under the authority of the Word and with a knowledge of the congregation
- How to Read Ezekiel Theologically from William R. Osborne (Credo) – insights from Ezekiel on the presence and power of God
- “Preaching & Preachers” Episode 161: Preaching the Book of Jeremiah from Steven Smith and Jason Allen (Jason K. Allen) – thoughts on preaching Jeremiah, including how many sermons to preach and difficulties involved
- The Real Calling of Every Preacher from Matt Henslee (Facts & Trends) – keeping the focus on being faithful
- Take Your Shot: Preaching in a Liturgical Context from J. Dace Clifton (Preaching Source) – ideas to match the context of worship with the content of the sermon
- When God Seems Silent: The Preacher’s Perspective from Shane Pruitt (Preaching Source) – what to do when God doesn’t seem to be speaking
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