Here are some preaching posts and podcasts that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- “Preaching and Preachers” Episode 238: The Life and Ministry of Martin Luther from Carl Trueman and Jason Allen (Jason K. Allen) – a discussion of Luther’s life and ministry; at the end of the podcast Trueman mentions reasons preachers should read Luther
- Andrew Fuller Friday: On Preaching Christ from Andrew Fuller (Prince on Preaching) – the apostles did not preach themselves; they preached Christ Jesus as Lord
- Isaiah’s Job from J. V.Fesko (Credo Magazine) – streamlining the message “can easily turn into excising vital elements of the gospel”
- The Problem with Telling Us a Storm Is Coming from Stephen Kneale (Building Jerusalem) – it is not enough to tell the congregation what the passage means; we need to tell them what to do about it
- Episode 158: The Craft of Preaching:Exegesis from Jared C. Wilson and Nathan Rose (For the Church) – Wilson and Rose discuss their approaches to sermon preparation
- Guest Post: Working Hard to Preach Shorter from Dave Shive and Randal Pelton (Pelton on Preaching) – spending more time to prepare a shorter sermon can result in a better sermon
- Which Rabbits Are You Chasing? from Chip Thornton (G3 Ministry) – the length of time we spend on each point and the overall length of the sermon should be determined by the biblical text as well as by the capacity of the congregation
- Why I Decided to Preach Extemporaneously from Seob Kim (Reformation 21) – Kim points to historical examples, a relational advantage, and a spiritual benefit of extemporaneous preaching
- Eight Character Essentials for Bible Teachers – David Guzik from David Guzik and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – Bible teachers and preachers should be grace-filled, honest, secure, hard-working, bold, zealous, teachable and sympathetic
- Learning to Extend Your Exegesis by Asking “Why?” from Randal Pelton (Pelton on Preaching) – what Pelton calls “explanatory exegesis” “goes a step further than lexical meanings and grammatical/syntactical relationships between the key terms” in the biblical text
- Ten Commandments for Commentary Usage from Peter Krol (Knowable Word) – some guidance on how best to use Bible commentaries in our Bible study
- Numbers 22–23: On Balak’s Ominous Cough, Balaam’s Greedy Perseverance, and the Beleaguered People of God (Bible Talk, Episode 50) from Alex Duke, Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi (9 Marks) – biblical theological insights on these chapters
- Reading Ezra-Nehemiah Theologically from Russell L. Meek (For the Church) – themes in these books include God’s sovereignty, worship, justice, Scripture; Ezra and Nehemiah show that all aspects of life matter to God
- A War of Words: How the Structure of Jeremiah Leads to a Storyline from David S. Schrock (Via Emmaus) – a helpful outline of the book of Jeremiah as God’s war of words against Israel, against false prophets, against the king and his kingdom and against the nations
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