Here are some posts on preaching and exegesis that I noticed recently. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)
- How to Improve Your Preaching from Kevin DeYoung (The Gospel Coalition) – eleven questions to ask yourself as you seek to improve your preaching
- 12 Components of Interpreting the New Testament from Andrew Naselli (Credo) – the same components are covered on this website in Step Three – Closer Study of Content and Step Four – Closer Study of Context .
- 4 Examples of How Knowing Original Greek Improves Your Understanding of the Text from Dirk Jongkind (Crossway) – underlining the value for preachers of a knowledge of New Testament Greek
- Jesus’s Only Bible: 7 Tips for Preaching the Old Testament from Jason S. Derouchie (The Gospel Coalition) – tips for Christ-exalting preaching from the Old Testament
- Ten Quick Suggestions for Reading Old Testament Narrative from Colin Adams (Unashamed Workmen) – some suggestions that preachers should find helpful
- “Preaching & Preachers: Episode 160: The Preacher and Sermon Conclusions from Jason Allen and Ben Awbrey (Jason K. Allen) – a reminder of the importance of carefully preparing sermon conclusions
- For the Church Podcast: Episode 077: Pastors and Plagiarism from Jared Wilson and Ronni Kurtz (For the Church) – starting at 5:50, a discussion of the problem of stealing sermons or sermon content from others
- Preachers’ Talk: Episode 2: Expositional Preaching from Jeremy Meeks, David Helm, Edward Copeland, H. B. Charles (9 Marks) – the “what” and “why” of expository preaching
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