Here are some posts on preaching and exegesis that I noticed recently. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)
- Preach the Word from Steven Lawson (Ligonier Ministries) – “Every season of reformation and every hour of spiritual awakening has been ushered in by a recovery of biblical preaching.”
- How Should I Preach Chiasms? from Chad Ashby (Southern Equip) – preach them in context; let them structure the sermon; honor the author; imitate their beauty
- 8 Benefits of Effective Transitions from Peter Mead (Biblical Preaching) – transitions clarify sermon structure, provide breathing space, indicate progress, are entry-points, reinforce the main idea, allow a change of pace, enable review, move to the next point
- What to Pray Before You Preach from David Qaoud (Gospel Relevance) – ideas from H. B. Charles, Jr., Zach Eswine and David Qaoud on what to pray before preaching
- Developing Your Gift – David Guzik from Mike Neglia and David Guzik (Expositors Collective) – the gift of preaching or teaching begins in seed form and must be developed; the importance of focus in an age of distractions
- The Grammatical-Historical Hermeneutic from Alan Cole (Sharper Iron) – an explanation of the grammatical-historical as opposed to the allegorical method of biblical interpretation
- Why Biblical Theology Is Needed for Preaching and Teaching from Matt Capps and Josh Wredberg (The Gospel Coalition) – biblical theology provides a whole Bible context, helps prevent misapplication of the text and points us to Christ
- Genesis 37–39: On Being Like Joseph and Not Being Like Judah—At Least Not Yet (Bible Talk, Ep. 13) from Alex Duke, Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi (9 Marks) – literary and biblical theological insights helpful for preaching these chapters
- 7 Reasons to Preach through 2 Peter from Garrett Kell (9 Marks) – you will consider powerful last words, delight in grace, be pushed toward diligence, devote yourself to Scripture, develop discernment, remember coming deliverance and destruction and see your need to be distinct from the world
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