Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- Gospel-Centered Preaching from Ross Ferguson (For the Church) – what gospel-centered preaching is and the outcomes we should expect from it
- “On Preaching” #157 | How to State Your Sermon Outline from H. B. Charles, Jr. (H. B. Charles, Jr.) – ten suggestions for crafting effective sermon outlines
- The Preaching of Jesus Was Powerful and Relevant from Josh Buice (G3 Ministries) – Jesus was a preacher and we can learn much from his preaching
- Persuading Like Jesus from Jeffrey Arthurs (Preaching Today) – “how to use the greater-to-lesser and lesser-to-greater arguments in our sermons”
- “Preaching and Preachers” – Episode 103: The Preaching of R.C. Sproul from Jason Allen and Burk Parsons (Jason K. Allen) – a description of R. C. Sproul’s preaching ministry and his approach to preaching (originally recorded on 9/17/18)
- “The Heart of Pastoring” | Episode 7: Able to Teach from Jared C. Wilson, Ronnie Martin (For the Church) – what “able to teach” means; (starting at 18:48:) what is involved in finding your voice
- The Journey From the Ancient Text to the Contemporary Culture from Wesley Towne and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – this journey involves the hard work of research, meditation, paradigm (moving from exegesis to audience), and outline
- Creation and Application from Peter Krol (Knowable Word) – application questions based on the doctrine of creation
- 1 Kings 2:1–12: On David’s Deathbed Charge, Solomon’s Moses-Like Transition, and the Looming Threat of a Man-Less Throne (Bible Talk, Ep. 112) from Alex Duke, Sam Emadi, and Jim Hamilton (9 Marks) – biblical theological insights on 1 Kings 2:1-12
- How to Read the Pastoral Epistles from William Barcley (Ligonier Ministries) – four topics to keep in mind as we read these letters of Paul
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