Here are some posts on preaching and exegesis that I noticed recently. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)
- 7 Tips for Preaching Online from Peter Mead (Biblical Preaching) – suggestions for those new to preaching to the camera
- Your Preaching Is Still Important Online from Hershel York (Southern Seminary) – why congregations still need to hear from their own pastors
- What Would the Puritans Say to Us Now? Learning from Puritan Prescriptions on Preaching from Matt Haste (9 Marks) – lessons from Puritan Richard Sibbes
- Why Every Preacher Should Know John Broadus from Thomas J. Nettles (Southern Equip) – reasons to learn more about the great 19th century preacher and teacher
- Where Is the Holy Spirit When We Preach? from Gu Kwon (Preaching Source) – how the Spirit works before the sermon, in the sermon and after the sermon
- 4 Reflections after Listening to 18 Hours of Sermons in America’s Biggest Churches from Colton Corter (9 Marks) – the weaknesses of sermons preached in nine megachurches
- Why Mature Christians Need Gospel-Centered Preaching from Jeremy Rinne (9 Marks) – such preaching connects the Bible, inspires spiritual growth, fosters unity and stokes worship
- I Was a Gospel-Believing Preacher Who Didn’t Preach the Gospel from Ed Moore (9 Marks) – a reminder that the gospel of Christ is for believers as well as unbelievers
- The Easy Application Your Sermon Is Probably Missing from Keith Collier (9 Marks) – an encouragement to apply the truth to the corporate life of the church
- How Long Should a Sermon Be? from Jonathan Leeman (9 Marks) – five principles to use in determining sermon length
- Preaching to Different Kinds of Hearers from Jonathan Leeman (9 Marks) – the need to be aware of the worldviews, spiritual state and social state of our hearers
- Discipling and Developing Leaders through a Sermon Application Team from Mark Vroegop (9 Marks) – using a small group of lay leaders to study the text and identify applications
- Must You Share the Gospel in Every Sermon? Invitation without the Altar Call from Aaron Menikoff (9 Marks) – how to walk the “road to Christ” in our sermons
- Gospel-Centered Preaching in Hard Places from Andy Prime (9 Marks) – how to adapt our style for those in the hardest places
- “Preaching & Preachers” Episode 166: Theological Preaching in Times of Crisis from Owen Strachan and Jason Allen (Jason K. Allen) – a podcast encouraging preaching in the present crisis that focuses on the great truths of the doctrine of God
- How (Not) to Preach the Pentateuch from David King (9 Marks) – encouragement to preach Christ-centered sermons that avoid moralism
- How (Not) to Preach Historical Narrative from Sam Amadi (9 Marks) – the need to remember the covenants, literary characteristics and structure, and to point to Christ
- How (Not) to Preach the Psalms from Jim Hamilton (9 Marks) – taking account of all of the biblical contexts of the Psalms
- How (Not) to Preach Wisdom Literature from Juan Sanchez (9 Marks) – questions to ask as you preach from this part of Scripture
- How (Not) to Preach the Old Testament Prophets from Nick Roark (9 Marks) – a brief list of what not to do when preaching from the prophetic books
- How (Not) to Preach the Gospels from Aubrey Sequeira (9 Marks) – encouragement to remember context and to preach the gospel when preaching the Gospels
- How (Not) to Preach the Epistles from Bobby Scott (9 Marks) – pitfalls to avoid in preaching the New Testament epistles
- Should You Preach Moral Lessons from Bible Stories? from Jason Hood (9 Marks) – reflections on the appropriateness of encouraging our hearers to imitate Bible characters
- Allegorical Interpretation: Finding the Line before You Cross It from Robert Kinney (9 Marks) – how to avoid this problematic form of interpretation
- The Three Most Important Words I Learned in Seminary: “Textual, Epochal, Canonical” from David Schrock (9 Marks) – the significance of these words for biblical interpretation
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