Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- Why Expository Preaching? from Joshua Banks (G3 Ministries) – there are different ways of preaching expositionally, but faithful preaching is expository
- Where Did All This Expository Preaching Come From? from Tim Challies (Challies) – “Bob Fyall’s explanation of how expository preaching became not only accepted but expected”
- Being Biblical and Contemporary from Haddon Robinson (Preaching Points) – sermons must be biblical, but they must be relevant to the congregation
- The Plagiarizing Pastor from Mark Jones (Reformation 21) – pastors who plagiarize are guilty of false worship; “the sin may be exacerbated depending on who is doing the plagiarizing”
- Vision Casting as a Tool to Serve God’s People with Todd Peebles from Mike Neglia and Todd Peebles (Expositors Collective) – praying over the text; preaching without notes; planning a preaching schedule; the value of vision-casting; preparing multiple sermons each week; using pastoral stories in preaching
- Knowing Church History Is an Asset for Every Pastor from Stephen J. Nichols (Crossway) – a new resource, the ESV Church History Study Bible, provides preachers with perspectives on the text from church leaders of the past
- 6 Steps for Biblical Word Studies and 6 Ways Biblical Word Studies Go Wrong from Davy Ellison (The Gospel Coalition) – helpful guidance on how to do biblical word studies and mistakes to avoid in doing such studies
- Judges 15–16: On the Bald, Eyeless Jester Who Is Used by God (Bible Talk, Ep. 79) from Alex Duke, Sam Emadi, and Jim Hamilton (9 Marks) – biblical theological insights on these chapters
- On Choosing Sermon Series: Why Luke? from Justin Honaker (Sola Ecclesia) – factors that have led one pastor to do a sermon series on the Gospel of Luke
- Highlights From Preaching & Preachers: Episode 86: Preaching 1 Corinthians from Jason Allen and Mark Dever (Jason K. Allen) – why preach 1 Corinthians; the significance of the order of topics in 1 Corinthians; challenges in preaching the book; the pace of preaching the book; major and underlying theological themes of the book (originally published on April 2, 2018)
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