Here are some posts on preaching and exegesis that I noticed recently. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)
- How to Preach with Biblical Fullness from Ray Ortlund (The Gospel Coalition) – “preach through the Bible, passage by passage, letting each passage make its unique contribution”
- Preaching with Salt, Fat, Acid, and Heat from Nathan Johnson (For the Church) – beyond exposition, include the flavor of the passage, some illustrations, some calls to action, some vocal inflection and some passion
- Handling God’s Word with Genuine Humility from Peter Mead (Biblical Preaching) – be humbly thankful for God’s Word, humbly responsive to it, humbly confident in interpreting it
- Guarding Your Heart in the Pulpit from H.B. Charles, Jr. (For the Church) – come to the pulpit prayed up, fully prepared, as an act of worship, with pastoral concern, with an eye to eternity
- Death by a Thousand Explanatory Notes from Stephen Kneale (Building Jerusalem) – those who listen to preaching “switch off because we are boring, not because we referenced something they haven’t heard of.”
- Hermeneutics vs. Homiletics Analogies from Barry York (Gentle Reformation) – some ways to think about the difference between preparation and proclamation
- What Is Exegesis and Why Is it Important? from Karen Engle (Logos Blog) – what “the analogy of Scripture” is and how it should be used in interpreting the Bible: three questions to ask
- Showing God’s Love through Expository Preaching – John Starke from John Starke and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – learning from feedback; communicating love through preaching
- Exodus 14–15: From Beheading the Snake to Singing by the Sea (Bible Talk, Ep. 26) from Alex Duke, Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi (9 Marks) – biblical theological insights on these chapters
- [For those who don’t have access to Bible commentaries and other Bible study tools, remember that you can borrow commentaries and tools online. Many of these resources are “critical”, but some are evangelical. Here are some lists: Bible Commentaries to Borrow; Bible Study Tools to Borrow]
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