Here are some posts on preaching and exegesis that I noticed recently. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)
- 7 Tips for Planning a Sermon Series from Tim Patrick and Andrew Reid (Crossway) – tips for long-term planning of expository preaching
- The Back Side of Preaching from Barry York (Gentle Reformation) – proclaiming the gospel in personal pastoral ministry
- Three Ingredients for Faithful Preaching from Jason K. Allen (Jason K. Allen) – who may preach, why we preach, what we preach
- Remember, Our Goal Is Speaking to Our Listeners, Not Writing Sermons from Randal Pelton (Pelton on Preaching) – encouragement to write sermons as if we were speaking to our listeners
- “Preaching & Preachers” Episode 163: Preaching the Book of Amos from Jason Allen and Andrew King (Jason K. Allen) – why preach through Amos, key themes, suggestions for preaching through the book and pointing to Christ
- The Themes of Ephesians from Adam Hughes (Preaching Source) – five themes to consider: the worship of God in redemption, the work of God in redemption, reconciliation with God, marriage and parenting
- Theology of Ephesians from Kie Bowman (Preaching Source) – three major theological summits: salvation and the Trinity, the church, the Holy Spirit
- Finding the Pericopes of Ephesians from Geonil Kim (Preaching Source) – reflecting on Paul’s core message and sub-points as a way of discerning texts for preaching
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