Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- Good Preaching Takes Hard Work from David Mathis (Desiring God) – good preaching requires hard work and sacrifice in sermon preparation, in sermon delivery and in the rest of life, but it has great rewards
- 5 Effects of Expository Preaching on a Church from Anand Samuel (9 Marks) – expository preaching teaches biblical interpretation, models good authority, disciples the pastor, builds a theological immune system and naturally confronts cultural thinking
- “Pastor Matters” | Episode 85: Finding Your Voice in Preaching from Ronjour Locke and Brandon Ward (Center for Preaching & Pastoral Leadership) – a discussion of the process of moving from imitating others to finding your own preaching voice; tips for making that transition
- How Much Speculation Should We Bring into Sermons? from John Piper (Desiring God) – honesty in the pulpit is crucial; speculation is to be avoided
- Mentorship Exemplified from Mike Neglia and guests (Expositors Collective) – twelve pastors testify to the value of having mentors
- The Bible Isnāt Just Extraordinary, Itās Also Ordinary from Tommy Keene (Sign and Shadow) – although the Bible is unique, we need to read it naturally, as we read other books
- How to Make Time for Biblical Languages from J. David Stark (Wordy by Word – Logos Blog) – to make time for the study of Hebrew and Greek, practice time management and concentrate on reading Scripture in the original languages
- Joshua 3ā4: On Israelās āMonumentalā Second Exodus into the Promised Land (Bible Talk, Ep. 65) from Alex Duke, Sam Emadi and Jim Hamilton (9 Marks) – biblical theological insights on Joshua 3-4
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