Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- “The Power of the Office and of the Minister”: Preaching and Pastoral Ministry from Randal Pelton (Pelton on Preaching) – the Second Helvetic Confession (1564) speaks about the authority of the minister and his preaching (under the ultimate authority of Christ)
- Missions Talk | Episode 2: On Why Expositional Preaching Matters in Missions (with John Folmar and Christian Lwanda) from Mack Stiles, Ryan Robertson, John Folmer and Christian Lwanda (9 Marks) – why expository preaching is not just for “western” Christians or “mature” churches; how it helps the growth of Christians cross-culturally; the value of using of an application grid; how to train people in expository preaching
- Keep Calm and Carry On from Bruce Ballast (Preaching Acts) – why “keep calm and carry on” can be a powerful motivation for preaching; how to “keep calm and carry on”
- Is Sermon Application Legalism? from Matt Cohen (Sola Ecclesia) – we must aim to preach the imperatives of Scripture as well as the indicatives upon which they are based
- Book Review: Preach the Word: Essays on Expository Preaching in Honor of R. Kent Hughes from Adam Rasmussen (Servants of Grace) – a review of “an excellent resource on biblical preaching,” which can be borrowed online here
- On Literary Context | Preachers Talk, Ep. 44 from David Helm, Jeremy Meeks and K. Edward Copeland (9 Marks) – why it is important to consider the literary context of the preaching text; how to identify this context; how to preach the text in light of the literary context
- The Power of Story with Robert Fergusson – Rebroadcast from Robert Fergusson and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – a discussion of the place of storytelling in preaching and when telling our own story may be appropriate
- How to Retain (and Improve) Greek and Hebrew after Seminary from David Evans (Word by Word – Logos Blog) – we can retain our knowledge of biblical languages by finding learning partners online as well as by making use of resources in print and on YouTube
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