Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- The Essentials of a Competent Sermon and Explanation, Application & Mention of Jesus from Stephen Kneale (Building Jerusalem) – competent sermons must both explain and apply the text; in sermons that do that, Jesus will be central
- Win Them with the Word from Stephen Kneale (Building Jerusalem) – we should resist pragmatic approaches to church growth and instead win people with Jesus and the preaching of the Word
- The Best Illustrations Come from You from Jeff Arthurs and Brian Wilkerson (Preaching Points) – how to find and use illustrations from your own life
- “Pastor Well” – Episode 47: Invitations at the End of Sermons from Hershael York (Southern Equip) – there is value in inviting people to make a concrete response to our sermons; this can take various forms
- Reformed Experiential Preaching from Joel Beeke (The Master’s Seminary Blog) -“Experimental [or experiential] preaching stresses the need to know the great truths of the Word of God by personal experience.”
- How to Trim Down a Sermon from Adam Nesmith (Average Churchman) – over-stuffed sermons are less clear; how to trim a sermon down to essential details
- Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room (Preaching During Advent) from Mike Neglia and guests (Expositors Collective) – Mike and his guests have a number of helpful ideas for preaching during Advent
- Christmas and the Minor Prophets from Taylor Turkington (Preaching Today) – four passages from the minor prophets that can be preached during the Advent season
- Preach Nothing New This Christmas . . . And It Will Be Novel from Mandy Smith (Preaching Today) – “To simply retell the old story will test our own belief in the power of this story that we’ve been entrusted to tell.”
- Grammar Crash Course: Parts of Speech from Peter Krol (Knowable Word) – what the parts of speech are; why they matter, especially in the interpretation of the New Testament epistles
- The Dramatic Arc of Isaiah 1–12: How Seeing Literary Structure Unveils the Glory of God and Pressing Deeper into Isaiah 1–12: Seven Chiasms in Seven Sections from David S. Schrock (Via Emmaus) – the overall literary structure of Isaiah 1-12; the literary structure of seven sections in Isaiah 1-12
- Did a Prophet Really Lay on His Side for More than a Year? (Ezekiel 4) from Iain M. Duguid (Crossway) – an explanation and application of Ezekiel 4:1-8
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