re are some preaching posts and podcasts that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- Preaching Series: Six Strengths from Peter Mead (Biblical Preaching) – preaching a series of sermons can result in greater leverage, greater coverage, greater momentum, greater balance, greater preparation, and greater depth
- Preaching and Mental Images from Grover Gunn (Grover Gunn’s Blog) – effective preaching includes vivid description and detail
- On Preaching Poetry | Preachers Talk, Ep. 37 from David Helm, Jeremy Meeks and K. Edward Copeland (9 Marks) – why preach biblical poetry; the challenges and blessings of preaching poetry
- No Maturity without Mentorship – Pilgrim Benham from Pilgrim Benham and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – why preachers need mentors; what kind of mentors preachers need; the kinds of feedback that are helpful
- A Verse That Illustrates Three Interpretive Principles from Alan Shlemon (Stand to Reason) – taking context, history and genre into account can help us understand Luke 19:27
- The Book of Job Is a Book of Joy from Eric Ortlund (Crossway) – Job can “teach us that no matter what dark storm clouds God allows to cover us, the sun still shines above”
- We Were Enemies: Making Sense of Obadiah from Davy Ellison (The Gospel Coalition) – Obadiah is an oracle about God’s action against his enemies, but ultimately it is “a message of hope for God’s people.”
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