Here are some posts and podcasts on preaching and biblical exegesis that I noticed. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)

- Preaching the Gospel of the Happy God from John Piper (Desiring God) – “how the blessedness of God affects the healthfulness of pastoral preaching and teaching”
- Shepherds Feed the Sheep from Jared C. Wilson (For the Church) – as pastors we must not fail to love the sheep and feed the sheep: “If you don’t get to the end of your week without at least a little wool on your jacket, you might not be a shepherd.”
- Preachers Should Measure Twice and Cut Once from Erik Raymond (The Gospel Coalition) – in sermon preparation, we should remember that our goal is to persuade and assure that our message is true, brief, simple and sticky, and that it takes potential objections into account
- ChatGPT Has No Future in the Pulpit from Alison Gerber (Preaching Today) – the AI app ChatGPT cannot replace prophetic, creative, prayer-soaked preaching
- Preaching Good News to Generation Z from Bruce Ballast (Preaching Acts) – insights on preaching to people born between 1999 and 2015
- “Preaching and Preachers”: Episode 267: Resources for Preparing Sermons from David Allen and Jared Bumpers (Jason K. Allen) – recommendations of books for learning and improving preaching; twelve steps of sermon preparation and related resources
- Transforming Your Preaching Through Careful Self-Evaluation with Joe Terreri from Joe Terreri and Mike Neglia (Expositors Collective) – the value of receiving honest feedback from those who love us; the value of reviewing our own sermons, especially regarding sermon delivery
- Studying the Bible from Peter Mead (Biblical Preaching) – an overview of the Bible study process: look, learn, love/live
- Units of Thought in Narrative from Peter Krol (Knowable Word) – some tools that help identify units of thought in biblical narrative
- Recommended New Testament Commentaries for Evangelical Pastors from Thomas R. Schreiner (9 Marks) – lists of New Testament commentaries recommended by Professor Schreiner
- What Is Biblical Theology? 29 Books to Help You Go Deeper from Jennifer Grisham (Word by Word – Logos Blog) – the definition and origin of biblical theology, along with recommended biblical theology resources. (See also the page on this website: Biblical Theology and Typology.)
- Judges 4-5: On Barak the Bashful, Deborah the Complementarian, and Jael the Serpent-Crusher (Bible Talk, Ep. 73) from Alex Duke, Sam Emadi, and Jim Hamilton (9 Marks) – biblical theological insights on these chapters
Urban Puritano
February 9, 2023 at 12:09 pmGreat resources! Thanks!