Here are some posts on preaching and exegesis that I noticed recently. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)
- Finding the Main Idea from Teddy W. Sorrells, Jr. (Preaching Source) – What is true about the text? What should you do about the truth?
- Do I Need to Go to Seminary to Be a Pastor? from Jerod Gilcher (The Master’s Seminary) – seminary can help you improve your exegesis and make you a more effective preacher and pastor
- On Sermon Preparation from H. B. Charles, Jr. (For the Church) – the steps Dr. Charles follows when preparing a sermon
- Practicing What You Preach. Literally, I Mean from Randal Pelton (Pelton on Preaching) – a reminder of the importance of seeking to improve our preaching skills
- What to Do After You Preach from Dave Harvey (For the Church) – expect attacks by the evil one and the flesh, quiet your soul, don’t fish
- Pastor Well – Episode 36: Abraham Kuruvilla Discusses Hermeneutics and Singleness from Hershael York and Abraham Kuruvilla (Southern Equip) – the preacher facilitates the congregation’s engagement with the text and understanding of what the text is doing
- 3 Reasons to Preach through Philemon from Nate Pickowicz (9 Marks) – Philemon models Christian forgiveness, connects the biblical narrative and serves as a testing ground for newer expositors
- Jay Sklar on Teaching Leviticus with Nancy Guthrie and Jay Sklar (The Gospel Coalition) – the challenges of teaching Leviticus and insights on teaching the book
- Preaching Guide: Jude with Jared Bumpers (For the Church) – key themes, problem passages, preaching outlines, preaching Christ from Jude
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