Here are some posts on preaching and exegesis that I noticed recently. (To receive Preaching Post Roundup as a weekly email, please subscribe.)
- Bad Interviews & Bad Preaching: Three Questions to Ask (and Answer) When Preaching from Stephen Kneale (Building Jerusalem) – some basic exegetical questions that need to be asked and answered
- 10 Temptations of Every Teacher of the Word from Trey Holmes (Preaching Source) – temptations to woo, to entertain, to manipulate, to impress, to skip the hard stuff, to be lazy, to procrastinate, to compare, to be lonely, to quit
- What to Avoid in Preaching from Ryan Casey (Preaching Source) – being somebody you’re not, making illustrations the focus, being too complex, plagiarism, being the hero
- Five Words That Weaken Every Sermon from Jason Allen (Jason K. Allen) – “thing”, “opinion”, “sorry”, “concluding”, “God”
- Lockdown: Pastoral and Preaching Conundrums from Jeremy Walker (The Wanderer) – a reflection on some of the challenges of preaching to a camera and doing pastoral ministry in this unusual time
- COVID-19 Preaching: What I’m Learning from Randal Pelton (Pelton on Preaching) – dimensions of preaching and ministry brought to light by the pandemic
- Preachers’ Talk — Episode 4: Preaching in a Pandemic from David Helm, Ed Copeland, Jeremy Meeks (9 Marks) – thoughts on what to preach during the present crisis and how to stay motivated
- “Preaching & Preachers” Episode 169: The Preacher’s Reliance on the Holy Spirit from Malcolm Yarnell and Jason Allen (Jason K. Allen) – what is involved in relying on the Holy Spirit in sermon preparation and sermon delivery
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