In the seven steps on this site, I give some basic instruction on expository preaching. In this post I list some books and resources that I recommend as you seek to grow in your ability to move from the biblical text to a sermon. Books: While I don’t agree...
Systematic Theology
Systematic theology can be helpful as you seek to provide a theological context for your sermon text. Here are some resources. Systematic theologies available online: Louis Berkhof. Systematic Theology (also here) Louis Berkhof. Summary of Christian Doctrine John Calvin. The Institutes of Christian Religion John Frame. Systematic Theology: An...
Interpreting the Genres of the Bible
Many of the following webpages are based on How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart. If you do not have access to that book, you may find these webpages helpful. Hebrew narrative: Bratcher – Guidelines for Interpreting Biblical Narrative A Little...
Biblical Theology and Typology
An understanding of biblical theology and typology can be very helpful in coming to an understanding of the biblical text. Here are some resources Covenant theology is really a form of biblical theology. O. Palmer Robertson has written a basic explanation of covenant theology entitled The Christ of the...
Bible Commentaries
Bible commentaries are invaluable for doing serious study of biblical texts. Many older Bible commentaries are available online. You can find some of them at the Bible Hub website. Simply type in a Bible reference in the search box. Then click on the “Comment” tab, and Bible Hub will...